بازار خرید ماهی کوچک قزل آلا با بهترین کیفیت

The difference between carp and salmon

Carp and salmon are the most famous warm and cold water farmed fish. Before building a fish farm, every breeder should answer the question whether the farm will be dedicated to warm-water fish or cold-water fish. This issue applies not only to breeding edible fish but also to ornamental fish in the aquarium environment.
Warm water fish are mainly river fish and live in a salt-free environment, but cold water fish are usually sea fish and need a different percentage of salt for their living environment. Saltwater farmed fish grow in special aquarium environments or breeding cages in the sea and ocean. Salmon and carp have many differences

خرید عمده ماهی قزل آلا جنوب در بازار تهران

From taste, color and weight to breeding method and living environment..

Carp, which are known as warm blue fish, are the most well-known farmed fish in Iran. This is because these omnivorous fish are distinguished by their fast growth, group life, the possibility of artificial reproduction and meat quality compared to other farmed fish. Carp fishes use microscopic creatures of the water bed, worms, crustaceans, baby insects, animal carcasses, fish eggs and even their own babies for feeding. This fish needs fresh, warm (ideal temperature 18 to 25 degrees Celsius), calm and covered with plants for its life.
Trout is a type of fish with many sub-branches, the most common of which is rainbow trout. This fish has an elongated olive green and silver body with a high amount of fat. Its color is different in different living conditions, dimensions and age, and sexual conditions.
Trout are resistant fish that go through their life growth cycles by tolerating a wide range of environments and conditions. This feature makes breeding easier in different conditions; Especially the fact that you can easily accustom juvenile fish to an artificial diet, without disrupting their growth cycle. Also, the rapid growth of these fish can bring a lot of profit in a short period of time for breeders.
Salmon needs a temperature range of less than 15 degrees Celsius for growth and reproduction, while carp at this temperature, face growth and nutrition disorders and may eventually go into hibernation

پرورش و فروش ماهی قزل آلا با بالاترین مرغوبیت

Also, trout needs a lot of dissolved oxygen in water, while carp can continue to live and grow with moderate oxygen levels.

This average amount is about 5-6 mg/liter, which should not be less than 2 mg/liter.
Salmon meat has less color than carp. Also, considering that their size is usually bigger than carp, they need more space to grow and breed. On the other hand, their lifespan is longer than that of carp, and if you breed salmon, you need more time to present the fish to the market; While by breeding carp, you can speed up the time of transporting the fish to the market and the number of times the breeding pool is used increases.
Trout have a special diet and they need high transparency in the water to observe and catch food, but carp is an omnivorous fish and can even feed on mud and sludge in its environment. slow down
Many people believe that the diet of warm blue and cold blue fish is different. In the explanation of this theory, it should be said that all different creatures have different nutritional needs than each other and fishes are not exempted from these conditions. For example, carp fish (warm blue) needs a lower percentage of protein than rainbow salmon (cold blue), as a result, the same diet cannot be used for these two types of fish. Because the nutritional needs of each type of fish are different; Of course, this is the most important factor to determine the diet of organisms. In the following, it should be said that the nutritional needs of farmed animals (livestock, poultry, farmed fish) have been studied and after many researches and experiments, it has been determined that, for example, how much protein, amino acids, energy, fatty acids and It needs vitamins and minerals. The same difference in diet has caused the weight of adult salmon to be higher than that of adult carp

صادرات قزل آلا مرغوب به کشورهای همسایه

All types of ponds can be suitable for both types of fish, but before you start, make sure that you are not placing both types in the same breeding environment. Whether you are breeding ornamental fish or edible fish, do enough research on the temperature and physical requirements of fish and, if necessary, breed in more than one tank


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