صادرات قزل آلا مرغوب به کشورهای همسایه

صادرات قزل آلا با نازلترین قیمت به روسیه

Exports of high quality salmon to neighboring countries

Exports of Iran’s high quality salmon to neighboring countries are currently booming. Salmon is one of the best and most popular types of fish and has many applicants because of the pleasant and delectable taste. Neighboring countries such as Turkey, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Syria and… are the constant and constant customers of this delicious fish. Iran, with a high level of production of this cultivated fish, is one of the top countries in the world as well as the export of salmon in the world.

The best type of fish packing for export of airways
Salmon exports are carried out in a variety of ways, which are the best way to shorten the route from origin to destination. Fish will soon become corrupted and damaged if the meat is soft. Fresh or frozen fish should be stored at very low temperatures. The best place for fresh and healthy fish is the homes and freezers with very low temperatures.
The exported fish includes the highest quality fish, which are made of fragmented and fillets or in full fish in special packaging. These special packages are frozen in special boxes or unlite -filled boxes and place the boxes in the refrigerator to reach their foreign customers safely and satisfy them.

Fish packaging should be highly hygienic to keep the fish fresh and healthy and prevent any contamination during shipping. Increasing the export level of each country depends on how and the quality of the export of that product, and Iran is one of the best countries in salmon export due to its constant observance of these hygiene tips and having quality products

صادرات قزل آلا با نازلترین قیمت به روسیه

Introducing the three most popular fish in the past year
Fish is a very healthy and useful food and is of high nutritional value. Fish meat is rich in omega -3s and it is essential for body health. The fish has a delicious and delicious meat and is therefore very popular. Of course, some fish are more fans and are more delicious. Among the popular fish last year we can mention the top three examples:

White Fish: This fish is very tasty and delicious and its meat is completely white. It is available in two types of marine and nurturing and its sales market is high. Eating this type of fish is very easy; Because the bone and razor in the meat of this fish are very small.
Suef fish: This fish is the best -selling fish after white fish. This high quality fish has soft and white meat and has a very delicious taste. This fish is one of the fish that does not have much razor and is all meat.
Salmon: This fish is a very popular and popular cultivation. This fish is a cold water fish and is one of the most popular fish because of its unique flavor. This fish is very thriving in the market.

Top salmon sellers in the domestic market.
Exports of high quality salmon in domestic markets are offered to customers by dealers at a reasonable price. Customers can buy this fish for their use by visiting reputable dealers and locations. In addition to the northern cities in other cities of Iran, including Yasuj, Khuzestan, etc., they grow and offer to customers. The top dealers are those who distribute quality salmon at a reasonable price and keep their customers happy.

Customers can visit the top sellers by visiting the valid sites. Many of these sellers sell their products over the Internet and customers can make their purchase virtual

صادرات قزل آلا با نازلترین قیمت به روسیه

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