Problems on the way of breeding ostriches

As you know, breeding ostriches like other professions and breeding other birds has its own sensitivities and complexities; In order to achieve a good and excellent income in this field, it is necessary to follow the principles and rules of ostrich breeding. And if these rules and principles are not done in a professional and correct manner, it may bring many damages and losses for you. In order to avoid possible risks and mistakes, we have examined the problems on the way of breeding ostriches in this article. Am.
The place required for breeding ostriches and its challenges
One of the main problems in ostrich breeding is finding and providing ideal conditions for ostrich breeding. At the beginning of the work, you should know that the place required for breeding ostriches is a space that is 2 to 5 thousand meters away from the residential area and is far away

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Since the ostrich is considered a sensitive and timid bird, the place where the ostrich lives and breeds should be silent and quiet, and in this context, you should note that there should not be roads and vehicles passing by such as the place where the ostrich lives and breeds trucks and heavy cars because, as we said, high noise endangers the peace of the ostrich’s life and may cause harmful damages.

Another thing that is important to mention here is to check the surroundings of the place where you want to breed ostriches. Before choosing a place to breed ostriches, it is necessary to check that there are no chicken farms or other places where your animals are kept around the place you are looking for, because the wind can transfer the possible diseases of the surrounding farms to the ostriches and cause problems for you. Therefore, it is said that the costs of creating ideal conditions for breeding ostriches are very high

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Ostrich maintenance conditions and its possible challenges

To breed ostriches, it is necessary and necessary to choose a land and an environment that is limited and protected, and to do this, various methods can be used, which we will explain below.
For example, one of the methods that can be used to create space for ostrich breeding is to draw a fence around the land, which, of course, has a separate cost of breeding ostriches, and another method that can be used is walling, which It also has its own costs such as cement, iron and also the wages of the workers who operate.
Another reason why you should carefully choose the breeding space for ostriches and preserve it is that ostriches are harmless until the age of 7 months, but starting from the eighth and ninth months, it becomes very difficult to control them, so much so that The reason for the strong and dangerous kicks they make may cause life and dangerous damages to your employees.
It should also be said that ostriches begin to shed at this age, and for this reason, male ostriches should be kept separately from female ostriches.

Challenges of nutrition and late maturity in ostrich breeding

Another challenge in breeding ostriches is that due to their very large size, their food consumption during the day is very high, to the extent that an adult ostrich needs to eat during the day and night. It has 3 kg of food, so the cost of raising ostriches is higher than the cost of raising other birds, and this is part of the challenges of raising ostriches.
Another challenge that you may face during the breeding of ostriches is that ostriches mature later than other birds, for example, male ostriches need about 2 to 3 years to mature. and can start mating at this age. Therefore, you should know that the formation of breeding flocks of ostriches requires several years of patience.

Transportation of ostriches and problems in this field


As it was said at the beginning of the article, ostriches are very sensitive and timid, and making any noise disturbs their peace, which makes it very difficult to transport ostriches, and even when tractors mix ostrich food into the farm. Keeping ostriches causes stress and fear of ostriches.
And when the ostriches get worried, they start to run and here the ostriches may collide with each other or get stuck on the protective bars and break their legs. slaughtered and it is in very few and limited cases that the ostrich is valuable in terms of being productive that we treat the ostrich’s foot with the opinion of a veterinarian.
In this article, we tried to explain the problems that may happen in the way of breeding ostriches and inform you about the challenges and difficulties of breeding ostriches so that you, dear ones, can take a fully calculated and planned action to breed ostriches so that you do not suffer Don’t be damaged.
You have also said that you can visit livestock and poultry stores to get the equipment needed for breeding ostriches, and after checking the prices of other stores, you can buy tools and equipment for raising all kinds of animals with peace of mind

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