From the point of view of traditional medicine, ostrich meat has a hot and dry temperament and needs a lot of time to digest, so it is suggested to use vinegar and oil along with it for better digestion and to reduce its heat. One of the prominent benefits of ostrich meat according to traditional medicine theories is its anti-flatulence and phlegm correction. Maybe this type of meat does not have a place in the food basket of some families, but according to traditional and modern medicine, consumption of ostrich meat is beneficial in curing many diseases in addition to the nutrients it has for the body.

Due to its slow digestion, the consumption of ostrich meat is suggested along with spices such as vinegar and oil, which can help to digest it more easily. The consumption of this meat is more suitable for people with a cold temperament.

Properties of ostrich meat from the perspective of traditional medicine

From the point of view of traditional medicine, consumption of ostrich meat can have many benefits for the health of the body. This meat has a warm and dry nature, and its consumption has a positive effect on the improvement of bone diseases such as sciatica, back pain, leg pain, and pain caused by cold in the body. Also, consuming ostrich meat is very beneficial for treating uterine problems caused by cold. Another therapeutic effect of ostrich meat from the point of view of traditional medicine is to eliminate flatulence in the digestive system and bloating in other parts of the body. This meat is very effective for getting rid of phlegm for phlegmatic people.
In addition to ostrich meat, ostrich tallow and oil can help improve children’s speech. Also, traditional medicine suggests rubbing this tallow on children’s feet to help the child walk.
Sometimes diseases such as motor and joint problems, motor nerve problems and numbness in some parts of the body such as the legs occur due to the predominance of coldness in cold-tempered people. It is useful to be cold and solve the problems that have arisen

Ostrich meat is a healthy food from the point of view of traditional and modern medicine

Ostrich meat is in the group of completely healthy meats. While this meat is included in the chicken meat collection, it looks and even tastes like red meat and is recommended for people who avoid eating red meat for some reason. This meat, having less cholesterol and fat than beef, can be considered a good substitute for it. Of course, it goes without saying that consuming different types of meat is necessary to provide all the nutrients needed by the body, but sometimes people are more interested in consuming chicken meat, in which case they can use and enjoy meat with the properties of chicken and a taste similar to veal. Also, if we want to check the calories in ostrich meat, we must say that the calories of ostrich meat are less than other meats such as chicken, veal, turkey, but it is rich in protein and a rich source of iron compared to other meats.
Consumption of ostrich meat for different moods
Since ostrich meat has a warm nature, it is very useful for cold and phlegmatic people, which helps to relieve coldness and eliminate phlegm. For warm-tempered people, to benefit from other characteristics of ostrich meat, it is better to eat it with pickles or vinegar and oil so that its heat does not dominate.

The benefits of ostrich meat for pregnant women from the perspective of traditional medicine

Traditional medicine recommends the consumption of ostrich meat to pregnant women because this meat, having a high level of vitamins and proteins, helps the fetus grow and increases the mother’s energy. Among its other benefits for the treatment of anemia in pregnant women is the high iron found in this meat, which confirms this feature. Also, ostrich meat with a minimum amount of fat will prevent mothers from gaining weight during pregnancy.
In addition to traditional medicine, many benefits have been mentioned for ostrich meat in modern medicine. Among the nutrients in this meat are protein, iron, thiamin, group B vitamins, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, essential amino acids and .. pointed out that all of them are necessary and useful for the body

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