قیمت خرید ماهی قزل آلا جنوب در بازار

صادرات قزل آلا مرغوب به کشورهای همسایه

Major Sale of Fresh and Fresh Salmon

Major Sales Market is the largest fish market at the cheapest price and the highest quality, which is well -booming because of the high welcome of the fish, so the salmon sale live, fresh and frozen by the shopping market And the sale of fish is available to customers.

Check the costs of fish types
Customs costs are the money that is taken for some customs services such as evacuation, freight, barjin, warehousing, laboratory and expertise, etc. According to the rate pre -set for each, each; The center exports and imports the best varieties of fresh fish in the north and south by fully paying customs tariffs, and the center has made a large number of suitable fish breeding and has succeeded in developing salmon production. All agents together have made the salmon marketed by the city very high quality, fresh and healthy.
Iran has a good share of fish exports to other countries, and many aquaculture breeders work in Iran and prepare and pack a variety of fish for export to other countries around the world; Iran’s fish exports are one of the most profitable economic activities of the country and it is necessary to export the country to export the costs of customs costs, and these costs vary according to different conditions and factors

صادرات قزل آلا با نازلترین قیمت به روسیه

Important points in breeding fish all kinds
Fish breeding is a kind of aquaculture commercially in tanks or courtyards for human consumption; There are various types of fish farms that use different aquatic breeding methods, such as fish farming living in water or in controlled environments to increase productivity, so thousands of fish farms in the world There are more than half of the world’s consumed fish produced in these fish farms, the common species of fish for breeding, salmon, tuna, cod fish, salmon and halibwood fish.

There are several ways to build a fish farming pond; The first fish breeding method is the cage system and use cages that are placed in lakes, ponds and oceans containing fish, and this method is also extensively performed as a beach cultivation; In this method, the fish are stored and fed artificially in cage -shaped structures, which is associated with reducing environmental diseases and concerns. The second method for fish breeding is the ditches or pond irrigation system, and the basic condition for this method is to have a ditch or pond that holds water

The third method of fish breeding is called composite fish breeding; This type of breeding allows local fish and imported fish to coexist in a basin. In general, fish farming steps are as follows: Choosing the area with a proper area, designing and constructing a pool in terms of water entry and outflow and shape and size, selection of fish species including tilapla fish, salmon, salmon , Carp fish, ozone exterior, fish feeding, fish harvesting and ultimately marketing and selling fish. Launching this business may be a bit challenging and the amount of capital needed to start this business depends on the project scale. Lighting, population density, feed, disease prevention, etc. are conditions for fish growth

صادرات قزل آلا مرغوب به کشورهای همسایه

The standards required for fish farming in Iran
The whole world has declined day by day due to the overwhelming fishing of fish in the seas and natural places, and aquaculture consumption in our country has increased due to the overcrowding of the population, so even for domestic consumption, even for domestic consumption. The producer of salmon is very low, so a better reason for fish breeding and high profits is the best motivation to start salmon breeding.

There are various types of export trout that have completely biological and breeds around the world, and the race of salmon in the type of food, water type, place of life, fish life, diseases, oxygen and so on. There are some other issues. We examine the standards required for fish farming in Iran: Temperature: For different types of fish, the temperature is suitable for the biomass, such as the most appropriate water temperature for hot fish such as carp and for fish and for fish. Cold blue is 1 to 2 degrees Celsius. Oxygen: Oxygen is less than 1 mg / l for fish, and oxygen from 2 mg / l indicates severe oxidation, which results in rapid growth of phytoplankton.

During the night, due to the high consumption of oxygen by plankton and fish, oxygen levels are very low in the morning and the fish are deficient in oxygen. Hydrogen sulfide: The amount of this gas should be zero in the fish farming pool, and the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas indicates contamination in the pool floor, which should be sludge. Carbonic Gas: The lower the gas in the fish farming pool, the better it is because the presence of carbon gas in the fish pools reduces the pH and the appropriate pH of the fish is about 0.5.

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